Apollo Music

2260 Tyner Street #8, Port Coquitlam British Columbia

Fun fact: my first-ever trip to Apollo Music was complicated a fallen tree, a power outage, and a broken GPS. This place is out in the sticks of Poco (that’s Port Coquitlam for non-BC people), and fair warning it’s hard to find. Tucked behind a mechanics shop in a warehouse district with nothing but a small sign on the back door to indicate that is, in fact, a record shop instead of the place a bad guy kidnaps you to in movie. This place is strictly vinyl: not an interloping CD or cassette in sight. Downstairs is a more curated selection of records with a good selection of punk and metal. Upstairs is a no-man’s land of obscure polka albums, warped and dusty cast offs, and maybe a killer record hiding away for song – that is if you’re willing to wade through the above-mentioned junk. I am always willing to waste my life crate-digging so I have and have been rewarded with a mint condition Guns N Roses 45 for 10$ so I’d recommend it.


Record Store Eurotrip Vol I: Munich


Music Madhouse Records