Record Store Eurotrip Vol I: Munich

Howdy dear reader! It’s been a while since I’ve given you the rundown of the greatest crate-flipping spots around, but fear not because I am fresh off a trip to Europe and ready to bring you the best record store recommendations from much further afield than usual. We’re going to kick off this little series with the fabulous city of Munich in Southern Germany. I only had two days here so there are definitely some many record stores that I didn’t have the chance to visit on this trip – so please let me know in the comments which ones I should put on my list for next time. Now without further ado let’s get into some of the vinyl on offer in Munich.

Ludwig Beck

Marienplatz 11, 80331 München, Germany

The Ludwig Beck building towers over one side of the iconic Marienplatz in downtown Munich – basically if you’re a tourist this is where you want to get off the U-bahn to see most of the city sights. Now technically this one is not a record store, but a department store that happens to sell records (and CDs). Unlike many purely-vinyl spots this place is pretty upscale (read: Chanel baby clothes), but brave the overpriced purses and head up to the 5th floor to check out the music. It’s all new pressings, and it seemed like it leaned more towards CDs than wax. If you’re a classical music person, this is the spot – especially for CDs, and I liked that they highlighted music from different countries (listen in Canada you’re not getting a dedicated bin for Bulgarian folk music or “Bayern Humour”). Aside from classical music, Ludwig Beck also offers the classics where rock albums are concerned so it’s not the place you’re going to find that rare pressing of some underground punk band you’ve been chasing. On the upside, the space is beautiful, you get some gorgeous views over Munich, and they have great little listening areas where you can try out the music on offer take the high-end record players that they also sell for a (literal) spin.

And hey, if you’re looking for a nice, clean bathroom that you don’t have to pay a euro to use near the Marienplatz I’d highly recommend Ludwig Beck for that too.

Optimal Records

Kolosseumstrabe 6, 80469 München, Germany

Yet another 10/10 for location, Optimal Records is within walking distance of Munich-must-visit English Garden and is definitely worth checking out if you’re in the area. The store itself has a great vibe, from the window plastered with stickers and posters on in. Inside the place is neat, well laid-out, and very curated so if you don’t have time to wade through junk to find gems they’ve got you covered. Selection-wise, seems like they deal mostly in new pressings, but there was a ton of weird and unique stuff that still made it worth a flip-through even for someone like me who’s more into the vintage thing. The Karl Marx poster outside is also not just for the aesthetic as Optimal Records carries a very cool selection of leftist political books as well as niche art books and probably some other interesting things that I can’t describe because my German is sketchy at best. This place carries that true hallmark of a good record store in that it is inevitably filled with people who are much cooler than you.


Apollo Music