Record Store Eurotrip Vol II: Nuremberg
We’re back for round two of the Record Store Eurotrip and heading to Nuremberg - a city known for gingerbread, Nazi trials, and (so far) my favourite record store in all of Germany. Well okay it might not be known for that last one, but it definitely should be.
Jakobstrabe 46, 90402 Nürnberg, Germany
Anyone who knows anything about me could’ve predicted in roughly 0.002 seconds that I would fall in love with this place the moment I read the name on the sign. Music and books are two of my great loves in life so seeing them together in bright blue and red font on the window of one of Nuremberg’s beautiful brick buildings drew me like a moth to that one light you always forget to turn off on your porch. Dear reader, I was not disappointed. This little shop is packed the gills with crates of used records and shelves of books (mostly in German in which my reading level could generously be described as “over-confident pre-schooler” so I cannot review their selection any further). I found a great selection of classic rock, metal, and hair metal albums and would’ve spent many more of my euros were I not living out of a backpack with extremely limited capacity to tote around fragile records. They do also have an extensive classical music selection tucked away along the staircase if you’re not into man-screams-in-leather-jacket music. I also got the chance to have a chat with the owner of the place who is extremely friendly and (luckily for me) speaks English and told me that he’s been selling records since 1977 – plus the current location has been open for more than 25 years! They have a great selection that’s well-sorted by genre and every record I picked up looked to be great condition. I can’t recommend this place enough if you ever find yourself in Southern Germany and hankering for some vinyl.
Jakobstrabe 37, 90402 Nürnberg, Germany
This is one of those record stores that has a very cool look to it and an overall great vibe, but is mostly new pressings and therefore is not pretentious enough for West-Coast Hipsters such as myself. That being said, it’s a cool little shop and Id still recommend having a look around if you find yourself in the area. They also had a good selection of CDs and some cool non-vinyl music merch like T-shirts and tote bags if that’s more your style. Its literally around the corner from MusicandBooks so you might as well check them both out next time you’re in Nuremberg.